Posts tagged as:
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 6 : Highlight text detections
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 5 : Android Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 4 : Using the Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 3 : Web Implementation of the Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 2 : iOS Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for iOS and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for iOS and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 1 : Create Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Rails 6: Action Text
Exploring Action Text; a new framework bundled with Rails 6
A month of Flutter: a look back
A look back at how 31 days of building a Flutter app went.
A month of Flutter: the real hero animation
Navigate to an image page with a hero animation.
A month of Flutter: user registration refactor with reactive scoped model
A title worthy of pirates.
A month of Flutter: WIP save users to Firestore
Initial pass at creating users in Firestore.
A month of Flutter: Firestore create user rules and tests
Add rules for who can create users in Firestore and test with emulator.
A month of Flutter: set up Firestore rules tests
Set up Mocha to test Firebase Firestore rules.
A month of Flutter: awesome adaptive icons
Adding an iOS and Android adaptive icon.
A month of Flutter: setting up Firebase Firestore
Setup Firebase Firestore and see how to deploy database rules.
A month of Flutter: testing forms
It's bad form to have untested features.
A month of Flutter: user registration form
Add a styled form for a user to register with.
A month of Flutter: navigate to user registration
Lay the groundwork for registering new users.
A month of Flutter: delicious welcome snackbar
Show a notification when a user signs in.
A month of Flutter: mocking Firebase Auth in tests
Mocking external services for tests.
A month of Flutter: Sign in with Google
Using Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google.
A month of Flutter: configure Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google on iOS
Configure Firebase Auth for Sign in With Google.
A month of Flutter: configure Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google on Android
Configure Firebase Auth for Sign in With Google.
A month of Flutter: FABulous authentication
Show a Floating Action Button for authentication.
A month of Flutter: rendering network images
Render Unsplash images from the network.
A month of Flutter: real faker data
Generate random mock data with faker.
A month of Flutter: Stream transforms and failing tests
Transform Stream data to models.
A month of Flutter: rendering a ListView with StreamBuilder
Using StreamBuilder to to render a ListView.
A month of Flutter: post model and mock data
Add some mock data and a post model class.
A month of Flutter: extract post item widget
Extract the post to its own widget.
A month of Flutter: a list of posts
Create a widget to display a list of cards.
A month of Flutter: no content widget
Create a widget to display when content is not available.
A month of Flutter: initial theme
Cleanup the base theme with white space everywhere.
A month of Flutter: upgrading to 1.0
Let's upgrade to Flutter 1.0 and look at some of the big announcements from Flutter Live 2018.
A month of Flutter: continuous linting
Configuring Travis CI to run lint analysis on every push to GitHub.
A month of Flutter: configuring continuous integration
Configuring Travis CI to run tests on every push to GitHub.
A month of Flutter: create the app
Install the SDK and generate a base app.
A month of Flutter
Building a Flutter app in a month with Firebase.
A Tale of Four Components
Explore different web component libraries by comparing vanilla JavaScript, Nutmeg, Polymer, and Stencil versions of the same component.
PRPL on Rails Part 3: Service Workers
Improve your site's performance with service worker caching
PRPL on Rails Part 2: Optimize Rendering
Optimize rendering to speed up your site's time to interactive.
PRPL on Rails Part 1: Code Splitting
Split your Rails JavaScript with Webpack to make your site load faster.
Build a Web Component with Nutmeg
Nutmeg is a tool that helps you quickly create, test, and publish a web component.
Building Dynamic Forms in Ionic 2
Building a dynamic form made simple in Ionic 2.
Make a Native Web Component with Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM v1
Make an re-useable, encapsulated web component using Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM v1
Video Messaging in Rails
Check out how to add video messaging to your Rails app and get it up and running on Heroku.
Using HdrHistogram with Ruby
Get more accurate performance profiling results with HdrHistogram
Building A Slack Bot With Elixir Part 2
Part 2 of a tutorial covering how to use Elixir to build a Slack bot
Building A Slack Bot With Elixir Part 1
The first of two posts about using Elixir to build a Slack bot
The Old and the New: SOAP and Ember.js
Using Ember.js with SOAP
Externally Embedding Ember
<p>We’ve been playing around with <a href="">Ember</a> since before it was extracted from <a href="">SproutCore</a>, and it wasn’t until recently that we got this unusual request from one of our clients: “Can you embed an Ember app in an external page like you would Google Analytics...</p>
Swift Syntax Highlighting Workaround for Blogging
<p>Since Swift was announced less than one week ago, we as a community can’t reasonably expect syntax rules to be pulled into popular highlighting libraries like <a href="" title="Pygments">Pygments</a> yet (though it’s certainly already in the works). You’ll notice in our most recent...</p>
Unit Testing in Swift
<p>Swift, being all the rage these last four days, has definitely livened up our programming chat room quite a bit. With cautious optimism, we (Betsy and Brad) delved into the Xcode beta, curious about the state of testing with Swift. For the purposes...</p>
Give Yourself a Security Makeover
<p>While visiting Twilio for a day on my two-week <a href="">programming pilgrimage</a> I learned that I’ve been pretty insecure. Joël Franusic (<a href="">@jf</a>) explained that I needed a security makeover. You probably do too! So let’s get started. Follow the suggestions as you...</p>
Lists out of lambdas and boxes out of functions
<p>There’s a cool article by Steve Losh called <a href="">List out of Lambda</a> that reminded me, in a really good way, of a section in SICP. If you want to read the boiled-down scheme version that’s in SICP, here it is: <a href="">SICP section 2.1.3</a>. What follows is my paraphrasing...</p>
From Ruby to Haskell, Part 2: Similarity, Refactoring, and Patterns
<p>It has been a while since I last wrote one of these posts and I didn’t want to leave people sitting by their computer desks forever, waiting with bated breath for the next one to pop up in your Google Reader feed (…whispers from the Internet…), okay...</p>
From Ruby to Haskell, Part 1: Testing
<p>You read that right. Or maybe, if you read it as “stop using Ruby and start using Haskell”, you read it wrong. I’m going to show you why I find Haskell to be utterly fascinating and eminently practical.</p> <p>Foremost, I want to collect some bits and pieces...</p>
Getting Plan 9 running on the Raspberry Pi
<h2 id="more-unix-than-unix">More Unix than Unix</h2> <p>Do you like Unix? Do you <em>really</em> like Unix? Well, what if I told you there’s a little-known operating system out there that’s <em>more</em> Unix than even Unix is. Cool, right?</p> <p>Well it is true! <a href="">Plan 9</a> occupies an interesting niche in the...</p>
Testing Security with Brakeman
<p>Security in web applications is not something developers discuss often enough – some think of it as a taboo subject, or something the NOC guys have to deal with. Some treat security as a post deployment afterthought. Sometimes little thought is given...</p>
Cthulhuian Document Preparation With Troff
<p><strong>tl;dr:</strong> If you are looking for a lightweight document preparation system in the style of LaTeX, try out <code>troff</code> which is probably already on your system.</p> <h2 id="intro">Intro</h2> <p>Lurking deep in UNIX, even on your shiny new Mac, is the eldritch horror of troff. It waits...</p>
Don't Say 'Emacs' or 'Vi'
<h2 id="a-brief-tour-of-some-other-editors">A brief tour of some <em>other</em> editors</h2> <p>Quick, think of your favorite <code>$EDITOR</code>. If you’re anything like me or the people I work with, you’ve got a horse in this race. And again, if you’re anything like myself or my comrades, you’ll probably say <em>Emacs</em> or...</p>
Version Control for Poetic Time Travelers
<p>Matthew McCullough (<a href="">@matthewmccull</a>) leads Git workshops across the world. He recently visited Madison, Wisconsin to discuss and demonstrate advanced topics such as rerere merging, the reflog, interactive rebase, cherry-pick, show-branch, branch filtering...</p>
The Hidden Life of Stylesheet Preprocessing
<p>Like any piece of art, a stylesheet should be indivisible and bold, but natural. It should arrive to the browser in one elegant file, a succinct connection between page semantics and presentation. Preprocessing distances a stylesheet from the Sturm...</p>
Don't Play CSS Tetris
<p>“Want to see the future?” Dale Sande (<a href="">@anotheruiguy</a>) leaned toward me with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. His laptop was crowded with code and design layouts. He proceeded to show me that I have been doing CSS all wrong.</p> <p>My first mistake is using...</p>
Respond With An Explanation
Shedding some light the respons_with feature of Rails
Introducing Bwoken
<p>Bwoken is a UIAutomation test runner for both iPhone and iPad, which lets you write your tests in CoffeeScript, then run them in bulk from the command line. Watch the video, then head on over to its <a href="">homepage!</a></p>
George Boole Returned As a Zombie and is Gnawing on My Brain
<p>This is about that oft-neglected corner of programming, the humble boolean. Perhaps, by thinking about what’s going on in many boolean expressions, we can iron out his quickly-forking complexity. And, oh, what luck! Here’s a slab of boolean logic that...</p>
UIAutomation and Pusher
Tiggering Pusher events from automation code.
HTML5, AJAX, IE, and Shivs
Using HTML5 shiv libraries
Script to Use Gems Locally, but Not on Heroku
Do two things to help with gems on Heroku.
Excluding Dev and Test Gems from Heroku
Some tips for managing gems on Heroku.