Bendyworks’ Blog

Let Us Dismantle the Artifice of Standup

Language has power, and its usage is neither benign nor harmless. Ableist language, even when unintentional, can promote stigmatization and marginalization. Vocabulary, with a simple adjustment or replacment, can be modified to be more inclusive and accommodating while we also cultivate innovative ways to collaborate and communicate.

Happy Holidays From Bendyworks

As we get close to the end of the year, many of us at Bendyworks are considering what makes a holiday. Here's what we came up with.

Working Remotely: A Look at What Works

In the time following the start of the COVID pandemic, Bendyworks transformed from an office-based team of software developers in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, to an all-remote company with employees in half a dozen states. In spite of the many challenges, we have built the business and grown the team size.

Case of the Missing Comma

We decode a mystery involving comma operators, property accessors, and a single missing character.

Copyright 2025. Made with love by Bendyworkers in Madison, Wisconsin