Wrangling Complex Rails apps with Docker Part 2 : Creating a docker-compose configuration

In part 1 of this series, we created a Dockerfile
that encompasses the Rails portion of our app, now we need to connect it with other services.
docker-compose is a lightweight orchestration tool that's perfect for this purpose. I don't recommend using docker-compose as a production deployment
tool, but it works very well for local development.
Docker compose is perfect for Rails applications that have a lot of moving parts. As a consultant, it can be difficult to get a development machine set up with a client's project that has many moving parts which depend on very specific versions of various software packages. In a perfect world we would be running the latest version of all of these packages, but as we know, software development is not always perfect or ideal. Using docker-compose is a great solution to this dilemma, and doesn't require the developer to pollute their system with many versions of outdated software.
Containerization can untangle the dependency knot created by the need to install old software and old libraries alongside newer versions of the same software. Ideally, this would buy you time to upgrade the application to use the latest and greatest software versions. Containerization isn't a perfect solution, as it has its warts and foibles. It requires a developer to learn new commands to accommodate their development workflow, but it's worth when working on projects similar to the kind I've described.
Given that we run one container per service, our containers (or services
in docker-compose) would be our puma server,
webpack dev server, postgres, and for larger applications - redis, and sidekiq. We could technically create all of these containers on the command line, but that would be very tedious.
docker compose was created to take away the tedium of container creation, specifying exactly how we want to create services and what shared resource relationships exist between those services.
There are two ways to develop Rails applications with docker compose. Running everything inside of Docker - rails
, rubocop
, yarn
, etc. The other way is to run supporting services like postgres, memcache, redis, etc. inside of Docker
while running your tooling (rails, yarn, and friends) outside of Docker.
If you're on macOS, running rails and webpack outside of Docker is an attractive option because running inside of Docker on a mac can be slow. If you're using WSL or Linux, running everything inside of Docker imposes no performance penalty. My advice would be to try running everything inside of Docker first regardless of what OS that you're using, and if things seem too slow, try the hybrid approach that I mention later on in the post.
Let's create a Rails application with the following architecture:
- Rails (puma) on port 3000,
- Webpack dev server listening on port 3035
- PostgreSQL on port 5432
Docker compose can manage all of the important parts of your development application's infrastructure:
- Networks : Virtual networks in Docker to segment parts of the application off from others ( frontend and backend )
- Services: Running daemons and servers, such as puma and webpack-dev-server
- Volumes: - Persistence and caching so that when your containers go away, your data does not.
Things to keep in mind when creating a docker compose configuration
- Create a restart policy for your containers. If one crashes, it will be restarted automatically by Docker.
- Declare volumes for any data that you want to survive a restart. Very important for databases, as Docker containers are meant to be ephemeral by design.
- Any data that's generated by your application that's not in a volume will not survive a restart. This tripped me up when I was new to Docker. This means file uploads, etc.
- Volumes can also be used to cache data (for OSes with slow IO between Docker and host OS).
and your Gem directory would be good candidates to be volumized. - Networks allow separation between service communications. Declaring networks is considered a Docker best practice.
- YAML anchors can be used to DRY out your compose file.
Running Rails inside of Docker
The advantage of running everything inside of Docker is that all of your dependencies are captured in the Dockerfile
and compose configuration. Handing the application off to another teammate is a breeze (especially if they are familiar with Docker).
The disadvantages are the aforementioned slowness, and the tedium of having to append docker-compose exec
to all of your shell commands.
A few aliases can help alleviate this pain. The most common place to put these are in your shell's startup file. .bashrc
or .bash_profile
for bash, and .zshrc
for zsh.
If you're using a different shell or a shell framework, consult the documentation for the best place to put aliases.
alias dcb="docker-compose build"
alias dce="docker-compose exec"
alias dcr="docker-compose run"
alias dcu="docker-compose up"
alias dcd="docker-compose down"
alias dcl="docker-compose logs"
alias dcp="docker-compose ps"
Here's an annotated docker-compose.yml
file that includes webpack-dev-server and a persistent testing container:
Side Note: One thing that may look new to those experienced with Docker is the x-app-volumes:
declaration in the compose file. These are
extension fields which are supported in a compose file that's
version 3.4 and up.
version: '3.8'
# x-** are dummy mapping directives.
# only used for yaml anchors to
# DRY out the compose file
x-app-volumes: &volumes
# mounts the current working directory into the Docker container
- .:/app
# caching volumes (for performance)
- gem_cache:/bundle/vendor
- node_modules:/app/node_modules
- packs:/app/public/packs
- packs_test:/app/public/packs-test
# External Services
# At the time of this writing Postgres 13 is the latest.
image: postgres:13
restart: on-failure
- pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
# allows us to dump the database somewhere e.g.:
# pg_dump -U $POSTGRES_USER -F t $POSTGRES_DB > /backups/$POSTGRES_DB-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar'
- ./db/dumps:/backups
# Postres docker containers are configured via env vars.
# The "backend" network are supporting services that
# are not the app server, or not part of the HTTP layer.
- backend
# I like to expose "system" services on a different port,
# in case there is already an instance of pgsql running
# on the host machine. By doing this, postgres can be reached
# from localhost at port 5433.
- '5433:5432'
# App services
# this command starts a rails server and
# listens on all interfaces (
command: bash -c "rm -f /app/tmp/pids/server.pid && rails s -p 3000 -b ''"
restart: on-failure
# We can add an `environment:` yaml key here as well,
# but I prefer using an env file
# to keep things cleaner.
env_file: .env.docker.development
# This builds the image as "appimage" so that we can
# refer to it later in this file.
image: appimage
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile
<<: *volumes
- frontend
- backend
- '3000:3000'
# These declarations allow a pry session to be
# attatched if desired.
tty: true
stdin_open: true
command: ./bin/webpack-dev-server
restart: on-failure
env_file: .env.docker.development
# This is the app image we built in 'web'
image: appimage
# It's allowed to have both an .env file AND environment defined.
# when in doubt, refer to this:
# https://docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/
# This bit of configuration is critical
# to the proper operation of webpack-dev-server,
# so I like to define it here.
<<: *volumes
# We don't need to connect to the DB at all here,
# so we just add the frontend network
- frontend
# allows webpack-dev-server to be accessed at localhost:3035
- '3035:3035'
# Testing
# To use: docker-compose exec rspec '/path/to/spec'
image: appimage
# This does two things: Allows our test container to be persistent,
# and loads the test boilerplate # for faster test runs.
# You need the "spring-commands-rspec" installed
# in order to make this work (assuming you're using rspec)
command: bin/spring server
# This is a different env file, for testing only.
env_file: .env.docker.test
# We don't need to allow access to the app at all during testing,
# so it's a backend service
- backend
<<: *volumes
# Our network declarations, used in
We have to modify our application just a bit in order to use environment variables for configuration. This is a good idea anyway.
default: &default
url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>
pool: <%= ENV["DB_POOL"] || ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"] || 5 %>
adapter: postgresql
<<: *default
<<: *default
<<: *default
We also need our env files:
Note that the env vars could go in environment:
key of our services, but I prefer to have them in separate files, as the apps that I usually work on end up accumulating many variables over time.
Now that we have a Dockerfile, and a docker compose configuration, we can build and run our application:
docker-compose up -d
will build our application and run it. Once that's finished, (and it will take a while…) run docker-compose exec web rails db:migrate
(or use the dce
alias that I mentioned earlier).
The application can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.
🎉 Congratulations - You're running Rails on Docker! 🎉
Using Rails outside of Docker
As mentioned before, using Rails outside of Docker has the advantage of native filesystem access, which is much faster than sharing files between the host OS and Docker in macOS.
Also, rails
is just rails
, not docker-compose exec web rails
. The tradeoff is that each developer must install their own Ruby and node dependencies
(ruby versions, gems, nodejs, npm, etc) and manage them instead of allowing Docker to do that.
Here's how to run your supporting services in docker-compose
while running Rails and node outside of Docker:
version: '3.8'
# External Services
image: postgres:13
restart: on-failure
- pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./db/dumps:/backups
# note that we're mapping port 5432 here directly.
# please ensure that your database.yml file is
# configured to connect to # localhost:5432.
# The default is a unix domain socket.
- '5432:5432'
Running docker-compose up -d
will start your backend services. Then to actually run the app, you would simply run the usual commands:
Note: in order to use env files, you need to add dotenv-rails
to your Gemfile
bundle install
yarn install
rails server
This is a very barebones simple example of just running postgres in Docker for your Rails app. In reality, you may have elasticsearch, redis, and memcache as well.
We need one more env file in order to be able to connect to the database:
If you're stuck or having trouble getting things running, it could be helpful to check out my example app.
Would I use Docker on every Rails application? No. If it has 3 or more services, or depends on specific versions of a service then yes. Docker and docker compose can save many hours per developer in onboarding costs. When the application is small, adding Docker isn't really worth it, as bringing the complexity of docker into a small application shifts the cost from onboarding to developer frustration.
Previous: Wrangling Complex Rails apps with Docker Part 1: The Dockerfile
Image Attributions
Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash