Posts tagged as:
Rails Test Driven Development Fibonacci
Using Test Driven Development to Solve Fibonacci Sequence.
Wrangling Complex Rails apps with Docker Part 3 : Testing Rails under Docker
Testing Rails applications under Docker with Capybara and Selenium
Wrangling Complex Rails apps with Docker Part 2 : Creating a docker-compose configuration
Using Docker to soothe the pain of developing Rails apps that have a complex infrastructure
Wrangling Complex Rails apps with Docker Part 1 : The Dockerfile
Using Docker to soothe the pain of developing Rails apps that have a complex infrastructure
Building Reactive Rails applications with StimulusReflex
An introduction to creating reactive Rails applications with StimulusReflex
Rails in Real Time: Blastoff
Going over the hows and whys of web sockets in Rails 6.
Rails 6: Action Text
Exploring Action Text; a new framework bundled with Rails 6
Rails 5: Getting Started with Active Storage
Learning what Active Storage is and how to use it.
PRPL on Rails Part 3: Service Workers
Improve your site's performance with service worker caching
PRPL on Rails Part 2: Optimize Rendering
Optimize rendering to speed up your site's time to interactive.
PRPL on Rails Part 1: Code Splitting
Split your Rails JavaScript with Webpack to make your site load faster.
Awesome times at RailsConf
Bendyworkers were at RailsConf 2018 in Pittsburgh having fun and talking about PRPL and offline.
Bendyworkers Head to RailsConf
Join us at RailsConf 2018 for a workshop on bringing modern JavaScript performance to Rails
PRPL on Rails Workshop at RailsConf
Join us at RailsConf 2018 for a workshop on bringing modern JavaScript performance to Rails
Elm on Rails 5.1 with Webpacker
Setting up and using Elm in Rails 5.1 is simple with the Webpacker gem
Video Messaging in Rails
Check out how to add video messaging to your Rails app and get it up and running on Heroku.
Installing Ruby on Rails Edge with Bundler
Learn how to take the latest commits to the Ruby on Rails master branch for a spin
Rails Enum is a Sharp Knife
Rails enum is useful but dangerous; here's how to wield it properly.
AngularJS and Rails Donuts
We explore setting up a Rails backend with an Angular frontend... with donuts!
2014 Rails Rumble
After 48 hours, we shipped an app for the Rails Rumble!
Ruby? Rails? Ruby on Rails?
<blockquote> <p>This post is one in a series of blog posts that answer some of the most common questions we get from prospective and current clients. All of the posts in this series are under the <a href="" title="Questions tag">Questions tag</a> if you want to view more like this.</p> </blockquote> <p>As a consultancy...</p>
What can SQL do for you?
What can SQL do for you? Chris shares his thoughts on the changelog on how to take full advantage of relational databases.
Styleguide Rails
<p>You might as well learn it now, because you’ll be using it in 6 months. <a href="" title="Styleguide Rails">Styleguide rails</a> is a cool gem that builds a living, breathing styleguide for your site. You can add it to your project really easily (let’s just do it right now):</p> <div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight ruby"><code><span class="n">gem</span> <span class="n">install</span></code></pre></div>
OMG! Rails Rumble!
<p>Last weekend, three Bendyworkers and a Swink-person (Swink-ee?) participated in the <a href="">Rails Rumble</a>, a competition to build a web application in just 48 hours. Rather than hacking on the backend like I usually do, I ended up almost exclusively forging...</p>
RailsBridge: a Difference That Makes A Difference
<p>So, <a href="">there’s this conference in town this week</a>.</p> <p>It’s going to be damned good: attend if you can. One of the most remarkable parts of it is the <strong>RailsBridge Women’s Outreach Workshop</strong> being offered on Wednesday evening and during the day on Thursday....</p>