Posts written by:
Chris Wilson
Elm for the Frontend, Right Now
Leverage immutability and functional programming for the front end with Elm!
Haskell's New Packaging Tool, "Stack"
Ease your Haskell development environment with Stack, a new tool from FPComplete
Cut & Paste Rich Text with Pandoc and Markdown
Bridging the development-documentation gap between text formats
Writing a Haskell API Server, Part 4
We’re open sourcing the code that this series of blog posts is based upon.
Writing a Haskell API Server, Part 2
In part two, we move on into the Haskell realm where we can build up true domain logic.
BendyConf: A Paean To Plain Text
<p><a href="">BendyConf 2014: “A Paean To Plain Text” by Chris Wilson</a> from <a href="">Bendyworks</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p> <p>In this day and age of rich documents with multimedia features, what can we say about plain text? Is there any place for it any longer?</p> <p>In this <del>talk</del> poem Chris suggests...</p>
Ruby? Rails? Ruby on Rails?
<blockquote> <p>This post is one in a series of blog posts that answer some of the most common questions we get from prospective and current clients. All of the posts in this series are under the <a href="" title="Questions tag">Questions tag</a> if you want to view more like this.</p> </blockquote> <p>As a consultancy...</p>
BendyConf: The Internet Is Your New Database
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <p>In his talk <em>The Internet Is Your New Database,</em> Will laid bare the ideas behind the <em>semantic web.</em> While usually shrouded in misunderstanding, the semantic web has <em>lots</em> of cool ideas packed in it.</p> <h2 id="triples">Triples</h2> <p>Will started with the simple notion of a...</p>
Conference Review: BayHac 2014
<p>I recently attended <a href="">BayHac 2014</a>, the Bay Area Haskell Hackathon, and I wanted to cover some of my impressions from the conference. I’m breaking it down by the days and the things that I attended. There’s a ton more on the event page linked above for...</p>
Keeping up with Bendyworks
<p>In our neighborhood spring has arrived. For us here in Wisconsin, that means we crawl out of our frost caves and igloos and offer sacrifices of cheese to the Sky-serpent so that he regurgitates Sky-orb for the summer. Also there’s lots of road construction...</p>
From Ruby to Haskell, Part 3: Lazy Evaluation
One of the defining characteristics of Haskell— that you often see listed in what sets it apart from other languages— is that it is the only common language that’s <em>lazy</em>.
The Migrationless Migration
If I may impose upon you for a minute, relational algebra is one of those things that, like linear algebra, is a shining intellectual gem.
Lists out of lambdas and boxes out of functions
<p>There’s a cool article by Steve Losh called <a href="">List out of Lambda</a> that reminded me, in a really good way, of a section in SICP. If you want to read the boiled-down scheme version that’s in SICP, here it is: <a href="">SICP section 2.1.3</a>. What follows is my paraphrasing...</p>
From Ruby to Haskell, Part 2: Similarity, Refactoring, and Patterns
<p>It has been a while since I last wrote one of these posts and I didn’t want to leave people sitting by their computer desks forever, waiting with bated breath for the next one to pop up in your Google Reader feed (…whispers from the Internet…), okay...</p>
From Ruby to Haskell, Part 1: Testing
<p>You read that right. Or maybe, if you read it as “stop using Ruby and start using Haskell”, you read it wrong. I’m going to show you why I find Haskell to be utterly fascinating and eminently practical.</p> <p>Foremost, I want to collect some bits and pieces...</p>
Getting Plan 9 running on the Raspberry Pi
<h2 id="more-unix-than-unix">More Unix than Unix</h2> <p>Do you like Unix? Do you <em>really</em> like Unix? Well, what if I told you there’s a little-known operating system out there that’s <em>more</em> Unix than even Unix is. Cool, right?</p> <p>Well it is true! <a href="">Plan 9</a> occupies an interesting niche in the...</p>
Cthulhuian Document Preparation With Troff
<p><strong>tl;dr:</strong> If you are looking for a lightweight document preparation system in the style of LaTeX, try out <code>troff</code> which is probably already on your system.</p> <h2 id="intro">Intro</h2> <p>Lurking deep in UNIX, even on your shiny new Mac, is the eldritch horror of troff. It waits...</p>
Don't Say 'Emacs' or 'Vi'
<h2 id="a-brief-tour-of-some-other-editors">A brief tour of some <em>other</em> editors</h2> <p>Quick, think of your favorite <code>$EDITOR</code>. If you’re anything like me or the people I work with, you’ve got a horse in this race. And again, if you’re anything like myself or my comrades, you’ll probably say <em>Emacs</em> or...</p>
Craftsman Swap Podcast
<p>Bendyworkers <a href="">Devin</a> and <a href="">Chris</a> were recently interviewed on the <a href="">Relevance podcast</a>. They sat down to speak with <a href="">Craig Andera</a>, <a href="">Jared Pace</a>, and <a href="">Alan Dipert</a> of Relevance, on the topic of our recent <a href="">craftsman swap</a>.</p> <p>Back in March, Chris Wilson visited Durham...</p>
George Boole Returned As a Zombie and is Gnawing on My Brain
<p>This is about that oft-neglected corner of programming, the humble boolean. Perhaps, by thinking about what’s going on in many boolean expressions, we can iron out his quickly-forking complexity. And, oh, what luck! Here’s a slab of boolean logic that...</p>