Posts tagged as:
A month of Flutter: user registration refactor with reactive scoped model
A title worthy of pirates.
A month of Flutter: WIP save users to Firestore
Initial pass at creating users in Firestore.
A month of Flutter: Firestore create user rules and tests
Add rules for who can create users in Firestore and test with emulator.
A month of Flutter: set up Firestore rules tests
Set up Mocha to test Firebase Firestore rules.
A month of Flutter: mocking Firebase Auth in tests
Mocking external services for tests.
A month of Flutter: FABulous authentication
Show a Floating Action Button for authentication.
A month of Flutter: rendering network images
Render Unsplash images from the network.
A month of Flutter: real faker data
Generate random mock data with faker.
A month of Flutter: Stream transforms and failing tests
Transform Stream data to models.
A month of Flutter: continuous linting
Configuring Travis CI to run lint analysis on every push to GitHub.
A month of Flutter: configuring continuous integration
Configuring Travis CI to run tests on every push to GitHub.
Build a Web Component with Nutmeg
Nutmeg is a tool that helps you quickly create, test, and publish a web component.
Make a Native Web Component with Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM v1
Make an re-useable, encapsulated web component using Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM v1
Unit Testing in Swift
<p>Swift, being all the rage these last four days, has definitely livened up our programming chat room quite a bit. With cautious optimism, we (Betsy and Brad) delved into the Xcode beta, curious about the state of testing with Swift. For the purposes...</p>