Posts tagged as:
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 6 : Highlight text detections
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 5 : Android Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 4 : Using the Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 3 : Web Implementation of the Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 2 : iOS Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for iOS and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for iOS and MLKit for android.
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 1 : Create Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for ios and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for ios and MLKit for android.
Ionic: Bringing Us Closer
Ionic is a very important piece of the full development puzzle. They open new doors by bridging many gaps, including community.
Geolocation with Ionic 3
A video by Ryan and Jon on how to set up Geolocation in Ionic 3.
Drop 20K from your production Angular app
Replace core-js with a modern reflect-metadata implementation to reduce your production build.
Joyful Tech: Angular, Node.js, Performance, and Bad Ideas
Check out these neat tech articles about making performant and modern web applications.