August Bendynews!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks; here’s what we’ve been up to!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks; here’s what we’ve been up to!
We show how to use pmap and doall to parallelize HTTP requests in Clojure
We improved ClojureScript’s hash-map performance by 2x-100x
Our best practices for running meetings efficiently and effectively.
A regex solution to escaping leading numeric CSS selectors in JavaScript.
Rails enum is useful but dangerous; here's how to wield it properly.
Leverage immutability and functional programming for the front end with Elm!
Learn how to wrap a Linux-based C API with Swift, featuring glob
We explore setting up a Rails backend with an Angular frontend... with donuts!
Ease your Haskell development environment with Stack, a new tool from FPComplete
Not every path is straightforward...
Bridging the development-documentation gap between text formats
Connect a simple Ruby API with Ember using generators from Ember-CLI
We’re open sourcing the code that this series of blog posts is based upon.
In Part 2 we proceeded to closely mirror our domain logic using Haskell types and typeclasses
In part two, we move on into the Haskell realm where we can build up true domain logic.
We're releasing Caravan, a sample implementation of a version-enforced API server.
Building a secure database-backed API server in Haskell.
A Madison-themed icon set, free for you to use.
After 48 hours, we shipped an app for the Rails Rumble!
Using Ember.js with SOAP
Two Keynote tricks to eliminate laptop setup stress and look like a presentation pro.
Recently Rich Hickey announced transducers for Clojure, the next big idea in Clojure after reducers.
In Clojure, we often work with collections in various types of sequences (lazy or not), and core.async channels. The workhorse functions in Clojure...
August in Madison always brings a buzz of excitement for Madison+ Ruby. In just 10 days we will welcome members of the international Ruby community to our hometown (we’re honored!).
Madison+ Ruby has set a high bar for Ruby conferences ever since...
BendyConf 2014: "Tech Education for the Rest of Us" by Betsy Lorton from Bendyworks on Vimeo.
Dev Bootcamp is one of many programs to crop up in the last few years offering an intense, immersive educational setting where those with or without experience...