Posts written by:
Will Strinz
But First...The Weather (VIDEO)
Will and Jacob share some of their favorite tools for programming with weather.
Using Capacitor to Build and Distribute an Elm App
An investigation into using Capacitor to build an existing web app for mobile platforms
Web Components with Ionic 4 and Elm: Promises and Pitfalls
The next version of Ionic will ship as a collection of web components, usable in any front end framework. Will it work with Elm?
Building A Slack Bot With Elixir Part 2
Part 2 of a tutorial covering how to use Elixir to build a Slack bot
Building A Slack Bot With Elixir Part 1
The first of two posts about using Elixir to build a Slack bot
AngularJS and Rails Donuts
We explore setting up a Rails backend with an Angular frontend... with donuts!
Frank on Fire: Getting Started with Sinatra and Ember-CLI
Connect a simple Ruby API with Ember using generators from Ember-CLI
BendyConf: Introduction To Firefox OS
<p>Josh’s BendyConf talk introduced us to Firefox OS, an open source, web focused mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. Although it has been available for more than a year, this June marked the release of version 2.0, making now a good time to...</p>