Posts written by:

Joe Nelson

Give Yourself a Security Makeover

<p>While visiting Twilio for a day on my two-week <a href="">programming pilgrimage</a> I learned that I’ve been pretty insecure. Joël Franusic (<a href="">@jf</a>) explained that I needed a security makeover. You probably do too! So let’s get started. Follow the suggestions as you...</p>

You Don't Know Your Visitors, So Stop Pretending

<h1 id="part-1-what-is-analytics-really">Part 1: What is analytics really?</h1> <p>Web analytics should hurt a little. Not just the pain of seeing your low traffic revealed in hard numbers, but the realization that you don’t really know your visitors.</p> <p>We programmers tend to be preoccupied by our...</p>

Styleguide Rails

<p>You might as well learn it now, because you’ll be using it in 6 months. <a href="" title="Styleguide Rails">Styleguide rails</a> is a cool gem that builds a living, breathing styleguide for your site. You can add it to your project really easily (let’s just do it right now):</p> <div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight ruby"><code><span class="n">gem</span> <span class="n">install</span></code></pre></div>

Programming Pilgrimage

<p><img style="float: left;" alt="Pilgrim" src="/assets/images/blog/extra/2013-01-15-pilgrim.jpg">In August 2012 I resolved to become a world-class web developer in one year and to share my progress and discoveries along the way. I challenged myself with the task of learning a new programming topic every two weeks, blogging about what I learned...</p>

Version Control for Poetic Time Travelers

<p>Matthew McCullough (<a href="">@matthewmccull</a>) leads Git workshops across the world. He recently visited Madison, Wisconsin to discuss and demonstrate advanced topics such as rerere merging, the reflog, interactive rebase, cherry-pick, show-branch, branch filtering...</p>

The Hidden Life of Stylesheet Preprocessing

<p>Like any piece of art, a stylesheet should be indivisible and bold, but natural. It should arrive to the browser in one elegant file, a succinct connection between page semantics and presentation. Preprocessing distances a stylesheet from the Sturm...</p>

Don't Play CSS Tetris

<p>“Want to see the future?” Dale Sande (<a href="">@anotheruiguy</a>) leaned toward me with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. His laptop was crowded with code and design layouts. He proceeded to show me that I have been doing CSS all wrong.</p> <p>My first mistake is using...</p>

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