What are we doing over the next few weeks? 2012-07-09

What’s coming up the rest of the month?

The major event is clearly UXMAD.

uxmad poster

This is a premier user experience conference for a decidedly less than premium price. Thursday the 19th there will be hands-on workshops; Friday the 20th and Saturday the 21st an impressive roster of speakers. This embarrassment of intellectual, artistic, and professional riches can be studied on the conference’s schedule page. (Protip: I’m told that the speakers will be tweeting $50 discount codes.)

The other side of it, which is always—admit it—the most fun, is the set of top-shelf afterparties: the planned and sponsored, and the unplanned and anarchic. Madison’s a hell of a town for that, of course. Case in point: Friday night, Bendyworks and Swink will be jointly hosting a party with a drastically rocking danceable free street concert right outside the offices.

UXMAD’s gonna be a good time start to finish. Look for us there, especially Kelly Rauwerdink and Jim Remsik. We’re looking forward to it.

Other upcoming things:

Brad Grzesiak, co-founder of Bendyworks, has been invited to speak at the July 26th Chicago Mobile Meetup, which is one of the largest meetups around, with over 1,500 members. Brad will give a presentation on Bwoken. Bwoken is a command-line utility that allows you to write UIAutomation integration tests in CoffeeScript and then run them in your simulator—or directly on your connected iOS device. Brad will cover the basics of UIAutomation, show some pain points, and explain how Bwoken addresses them.

Brad will also address the City of Madison Economic Development Committee on the 18th, describing efforts underway to strengthen the Madison startup community and make Madison a more attractive place to launch a new tech company.

Other noteworthy upcoming meetups include the first in a while for Lotico Madison Semantic Web. This promises to be a very meaningful experience. Is Bill Blondeau pumped? Why yes, yes he is.

Devin Walters is going to be working from New York city for a while. He says to ping him on Twitter @devn if you want to meetup out there. He will, however, be back in time to facilitate the MadClojure meeting on August 6.

Joe Nelson is organizer of Madison Order of the Lambda, a meetup devoted to Category Theory (Protip: has relevance for Functional Programming and is connected to the Graph Theoretical basis of the Semantic Web), and other computationally significant applications of higher mathematics. If the M-word doesn’t send you screaming for the exits, this might be for you! They meet every Thursday.

That’s what’s up with us. What’s up with you? Leave a comment!

Category: Culture