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Announcing B-Sides

<p>Bendyworks is happy to announce that we’ve partnered with some great folks to bring you more access to the Madison music scene.</p> <p><a href="">The Majestic Theatre</a> has been bringing national touring acts to our area for the last five years and has supported the...</p>

Playoff Radio Spot

<p>Bendyworks origins in Madison, WI means that we are football fans. With Green Bay in the playoffs we were able to try out a new advertising medium.</p> <p>Take a listen to our ad below or listen to WIBA AM or FM during today’s game.</p>

Customer Quote: Centro

<p>“Centro’s experience with Bendyworks was very positive. The developers we worked with were able to jump right into a complex code base and quickly contribute quality code to an ongoing project. Everyone was smart, pragmatic, and fun to work with.”...</p>

Testing Security with Brakeman

<p>Security in web applications is not something developers discuss often enough – some think of it as a taboo subject, or something the NOC guys have to deal with. Some treat security as a post deployment afterthought. Sometimes little thought is given...</p>

The Isthmus: Bendyworks' Big Idea

<p>Madison’s Weekly Newspaper, Isthmus, <a href="">picked up a story</a> from local freelance journalist <a href="">Marc Eisen</a>. The story, one in a series on Madison’s Next Economy, focuses on Brad Grzesiak’s idea of creating a tech corridor on the East Side of Madison.</p> <p>Several...</p>

Moldover: Godfather of Controllerists

<p>Last night I was able to attend a workshop at Madison Media Institute featuring <a href="">Moldover</a> and his <a href="">crazy custom mixers</a> and modified instruments such as <a href="">the Robocaster</a>. At the end of the night I was so impressed I twisted his arm until he came to Bendyworks...</p>

Your Papers, Please

<p>Sometimes a line of discussion will open up into areas of unexpected intensity. Suddenly people are vehement and they won’t let go. When that happens, it’s interesting, and it might mean something.</p> <p>This happened at <a href="http://" target="_new">Madison Ruby</a> (<a href="" target="_new">#MadisonRuby</a>) during...</p>

RailsBridge: a Difference That Makes A Difference

<p>So, <a href="">there’s this conference in town this week</a>.</p> <p>It’s going to be damned good: attend if you can. One of the most remarkable parts of it is the <strong>RailsBridge Women’s Outreach Workshop</strong> being offered on Wednesday evening and during the day on Thursday....</p>

Growth day happenings – Friday the 13th

<p>(This is the first of a recurring series describing our work during most, if not all, growth days at Bendyworks. Note that we won’t do growth day on Friday the 20th, because it’s <a href="" target="_new">UXMad</a>.)</p> <h2 id="whats-a-growth-day">What’s a “Growth Day”?</h2> <p>Bendyworks invests in our developers...</p>

What are we doing over the next few weeks? 2012-07-09

<p>What’s coming up the rest of the month?</p> <p>The major event is clearly <a href="" target="_new">UXMAD</a>.</p> <p><img src="/assets/images/blog/extra/2012-07-10-ux_mad_2012_poster-6ab6b223.jpg" alt="uxmad poster"></p> <p>This is a premier user experience conference for a decidedly less than premium price. Thursday the 19th there will be hands-on workshops; Friday the 20th and Saturday the...</p>

Copyright 2025. Made with love by Bendyworkers in Madison, Wisconsin