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BendyConf: The Internet Is Your New Database
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <p>In his talk <em>The Internet Is Your New Database,</em> Will laid bare the ideas behind the <em>semantic web.</em> While usually shrouded in misunderstanding, the semantic web has <em>lots</em> of cool ideas packed in it.</p> <h2 id="triples">Triples</h2> <p>Will started with the simple notion of a...</p>
UW Big Data Event presents Storm
After hearing that Twitter would be sending its engineers to the UW to talk about Apache Storm, a group of Bendyworkers bundled up against the cold and made the short trek to the UW.
The Migrationless Migration
If I may impose upon you for a minute, relational algebra is one of those things that, like linear algebra, is a shining intellectual gem.