Local development team grows with new Bendyworks mentorship program

The software industry faces a pressing issue: we just can’t find enough seasoned developers.

Universities may produce excellent computer scientists, but recent grads are typically short on practical knowledge and experience.

Regardless of pedigree, however, we’ve found that the apprenticeship model jumpstarts developer productivity by putting novices shoulder-to-shoulder with veteran mentors, pair programming on real projects.

Last summer, Bendyworks co-founder Stephen Anderson used an apprenticeship model to bring 3 new developers into the fold. We found that with mentoring, new developers are productive from their first day, working on real code. Not only do we get to teach our development philosophy, but our mentorship provides increasing value to the stakeholder.

Since this strategy has worked so well for our team, we’ve begun offering the same model to our clients. We are currently having a blast working with Murfie.com mentoring new members of their development team. It’s exciting to see a Madison startup growing, and we are honored to be a part of making their great team even greater!

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