
Greetings and salutations! Welcome to Bendyworks’ blog. We’ll try to keep this up-to-date with our learnings and happenings. First up: BarCampMadison.

BarCamp, in general, is a type of unconference, where the speakers are not determined ahead of time, but rather they are self-selected amongst the attendees. Madison, home of our headquarters, is hosting its 3rd BarCamp this Saturday, August 28th. Bendyworks is proud to be a sponsor of such a wonderful event, and a number of bendyworkers intend to present:

  • Bradley Grzesiak: “How Git and GitHub Change the Open Source Scene” and “Regarding the Excavation of Lunar Regolith”
  • Stephen Anderson: “Rails Bliss: 20 Minutes to a Deployed Web App”
  • Nick Karpenske: “Teaching Machines to Learn by Studying Nature” (tentative)

If you’re interested, please sign up at Eventbrite. We hope to see you there! You can also follow @BarCampMadison or watch the hashtag #barcampmad.

Category: Community