Posts written by:

Valerie Burzynski

Let Us Dismantle the Artifice of Standup

Language has power, and its usage is neither benign nor harmless. Ableist language, even when unintentional, can promote stigmatization and marginalization. Vocabulary, with a simple adjustment or replacment, can be modified to be more inclusive and accommodating while we also cultivate innovative ways to collaborate and communicate.

Case of the Missing Comma

We decode a mystery involving comma operators, property accessors, and a single missing character.

JSON API Phase 4: Ember

The fourth, and final entry of the JSON API tutorial series. In this phase we'll be creating an Ember app that will connect to the JSON API server.

JSON API Phase 3: API Server

The second entry of the JSON API tutorial series. In this phase we will be implementing our JSON API server with Express.

JSON API Phase 2: API Design

The second entry of the JSON API tutorial series. In this phase we'll be designing our API and using Swagger

JSON API Phase 1: Setup

The first entry of the JSON API tutorial series. In this phase we'll be setting up our api and client projects.

Webpack v2 Quick Start

We show how to hit the ground running with webpack and start your development with a basic configuration.

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