The Iconic Madison – Free Icon Set

As a treat to the upcoming homecoming, Bendyworks would like to issue our very own Madison themed icon set for all of you to enjoy. We tried to capture the nature of our fine city in twelve icons. This is inspired by the sights and places in between our lakes. From the iconic Wisconsin Union Terrace Chairs to Oscar Meyer’s Wienermobile, there is something for everyone.

It started as a study of creating an image with one line weight and making it recognizable. Then creating an entire series that all looked alike. The list creation of items that are “Madison” was a difficult task considering we have many things that us, Madisonian’s love. Typically Bendyworkers are partial to biking, cheese and beer, but who isn’t amiright? And you can’t forget about the main vein, the pulse, the heart of the city of madison – the University of Wisconsin – Madison. All the memories of college; from the badger, the football, the sailing, and having a beer on the steps of the Union Terrace’s waterfront to the shores of the Monona Terrace. From our iconic and memorable city to yours, share the memories and images of our fine city.

Madison Icons

Download from here: Madison Icon Set

In the spirit of OSS and Bendywork’s contributions to the Open Source community, we are releasing these icons for free to anyone that will enjoy them. We’d love to hear from you if you use them.

Icons by Kelly Rauwerdink – designer at Bendyworks

Category: Design