The Bendyworks Conference Roadshow Late 2017

We're ending 2017 with another strong conference showing. Bendyworkers are giving 21 presentations at 15 events in 10 cities and 1 ocean. Topics include Web Components, Twitter API, Progressive Web Apps, Material Design, salary negotiation and Google Home Apps. Come and say hi.
Get the Power of Native with Progressive Web Apps
MadJS - July 10th - Madison, WI - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
As developers, we want to create apps that engage users across multiple devices. But building native apps is costly and cumbersome. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the power of native apps with the ease of building and deploying web apps. Learn to craft PWA experiences using new web standards, including service workers, push notifications, and homescreen access.
Getting Started with the Twitter API
CoderCruise - July 16-23rd - Western Caribbean - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Learn from the author of TwitterOAuth how to quickly integrate your application with the Twitter API. We will show you how to speed up onboarding with “Sign in with Twitter” authentication, bootstrap profiles with Twitter identities, and increase reach with quick publishing to user timelines. We’ll go over some basic do’s and don’ts of the Twitter API and show how easy it is to integrate using the TwitterOAuth open source library.
Get the Power of Native with Progressive Web Apps
CoderCruise - July 16-23rd - Western Caribbean - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
As developers, we want to create apps that engage users across multiple devices. But building native apps is costly and cumbersome. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the power of native apps with the ease of building and deploying web apps. Learn to craft PWA experiences using new web standards, including service workers, push notifications, and home screen access.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
CoderCruise - July 16-23rd - Western Caribbean - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build custom elements and introduce you to the existing elements and tools available from Google’s Polymer Project.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
KCDC - August 2-4th - Kansas City, MO - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build custom elements and introduce you to the existing elements and tools available from Google’s Polymer Project.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
Rockford Web Devs - August 8th - Rockford, IL - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Are you writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build custom elements and introduce you to the existing elements and tools available from Google’s Polymer Project.
Get the Power of Native with Progressive Web Apps
Midwest JS - August 16-18th - Minneapolis, MN - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
As developers, we want to create apps that engage users across multiple devices. But building native apps is costly and cumbersome. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the power of native apps with the ease of building and deploying web apps. Learn to craft PWA experiences using new web standards, including service workers, push notifications, and homescreen access.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
Midwest JS - August 16-18th - Minneapolis, MN - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build custom elements and introduce you to the existing elements and tools available from Google’s Polymer Project.
Salary negotiation for people in tech
Better By Design - August 18th - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
Pitch creative, pioneering ideas to ditch poverty through community engagement
Forward Fest: Pitch to Ditch - August 21st - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
Lady Lightning
Forward Summit: Madison Tech Meetups - August 22nd - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
App Development 101
Forward Technology Conference - August 22nd - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
Facilitator for Speak Day
Write/Speak/Code - August 23-26th - Portland, OR - Ashley Quinto Powell
Negotiating Your Worth
Ellevate - September 7th - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
Ashley Powell will empower you to recognize your worth and learn how to have hard discussions. She gives "the talk" on salary negotiations in hopes that more women will move toward a breadwinning salary.
Material Design that Delights
GDG Madison - September 16th - Madison, WI - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
By reputation, programmers aren’t great designers. “Designed by developers” usually implies a terrible user experience. Material Design is helping to change this. Google’s UX designers have developed and refined the principles behind Material Design through testing with billions of users. Using Material Design, you can create intuitive experiences with smooth animations that delight users and showcase your brand. We’ll explain Material Design principles and show you how to implement them.
Material Design that Delights
Connect.Tech - September 20-22th - Atlanta, GA - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
By reputation, programmers aren’t great designers. “Designed by developers” usually implies a terrible user experience. Material Design is helping to change this. Google’s UX designers have developed and refined the principles behind Material Design through testing with billions of users. Using Material Design, you can create intuitive experiences with smooth animations that delight users and showcase your brand. We’ll explain Material Design principles and show you how to implement them.
Energize your development flow with CLIs
Connect.Tech - September 20-22th - Atlanta, GA - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Creating personalized CLIs can help you streamline recurring tasks, such as setting up new development environments, managing deployments, and wrangling data. We will walk you through building CLIs in JavaScript to help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure consistent results. Create simple commands that perform powerful tasks.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
Connect.Tech - September 20-22th - Atlanta, GA - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Use the native web platform to build performant, lightweight building blocks for your site. We will show you how to build custom elements using best practices and how to integrate them with your project.
Salary negotiation
Connect Madison - September 28th - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
Get Talking with Actions on Google
Mobile Era - October 5-6th - Oslo, Norway - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Let your users be the voice talent with Actions on Google. Learn how to design, develop, and distribute rich conversational experiences with Node.js. We’ll show you how to approach voice-driven, natural language interactions with API.AI’s powerful bot platform.
Energize Your Development Flow With CLIs
DevOps Days Madison - October 30-31st - Madison, WI - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Creating personalized CLIs can help you streamline recurring tasks, such as setting up new development environments, managing deployments, and wrangling data.