The Bendyworks Conference Roadshow 2016

The fall is always a busy time of year. Visiting family, pressing cider, eating pie. Here at Bendyworks we are rapidly rolling into full conference season. Check out these presentations coming to conferences near you.
TL;DR: 4 Bendyworkers giving 10 presentations at 7 conferences in 7 cities in 3 countries over 4 months.
Leverage the power of native with Progressive Web Apps
WindyCity DevCon - September 16 - Chicago, IL - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
As developers, we want to create apps that engage users across multiple devices. But building native apps is costly and cumbersome. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the power of native apps with the ease of building and deploying web apps. Learn to craft PWA experiences using web standards, including offline support, push notifications, background processes, and homescreen access.
Web Components: Lego Bricks of the Web
Madison PHP Conference - September 30/October 1 - Madison, WI - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build, test, and deploy a web component, and introduce you to the wide selection of existing web components available through Google's Polymer.
Property Based Testing: Let the Computer Make Tests for You
Madison PHP Conference - September 30/October 1 - Madison, WI - Peter Shuck
While test driven development helps enormously with system reliability and helping us safely make changes, the usual test development process can be a slog. With each new class or feature we have a suite of unit tests we need to write that hopefully cover all cases. With functional tests, it's even worse, with a few happy paths being tested and maybe one or two unhappy paths.
Why not let the computer generate these tests for you? With property based testing, you can let the computer generate as many tests as you have patience for over a much larger set of inputs then you could ever think of.
I'll be going over how to test your code with Eris, a property based testing library for PHP.
Salary Negotiation in Tech
Madison PHP Conference - September 30/October 1 - Madison, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
I've been negotiating salary and rate with and on behalf of IT consultants for years. Come learn the theories behind how to negotiate and demonstrate how it should actually sound. We'll cover how to understand your worth, when to stick to your guns and how to use benefits and flexibility to build a great package for yourself. I'll give an insider's look into negotiating with recruiters, and give you the tools to establish a firm footing for a great salary negotiation.
Web Components & Polymer: Lego bricks of the web
Connect.Tech - October 20-22 - Atlanta, GA - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build, test, and deploy a web component, and introduce you to the wide selection of existing web components available through Google’s Polymer.
Let's Solve the Diversity Problem in Tech through Mentorship
MKE DOT NET - October 29 - Milwaukee, WI - Ashley Quinto Powell
There’s an obvious problem with diversity in tech, and we talk about it- a lot. It seems to me that we can talk about the problem, and the leaky pipeline and the lack of applicants until we’re blue in the face. Instead of that, let’s talk about actionable ways to lower barriers, reach over, and help people across. I’ll dive into how the Madison Women in Tech, a meetup of a whopping 500 members, reaches its membership, and explore options for mentoring . Last, I’ll dive into how our developers are working on a pro bono development partnership with the pen pal organization, Chins Up, to make mentoring a digital endeavor.
Leverage the power of native with Progressive Web Apps
Mobile Era - November 3-4 - Oslo, Norway - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
As developers, we want to create apps that engage users across multiple devices. But building native apps is costly and cumbersome. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the power of native apps with the ease of building and deploying web apps. Learn to craft PWA experiences using web standards, including offline support, push notifications, background processes, and homescreen access.
Web Components: Lego bricks of the web
DevFest West - November 13 - Mountain View, CA - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Writing the same login form over and over again? Web components offer a modular approach to creating reusable UI widgets. Ditch large, complex frameworks and drop these lightweight building blocks into your site. We will show you how to build, test, and deploy a web component, and introduce you to the wide selection of existing web components available through Google’s Polymer.
Burn Down Your Competitors with Firebase
ConFoo - December 5-7 - Vancouver, Canada - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Google’s Firebase provides a suite of products to help you quickly build realtime apps. We’ll show how Firebase can take care of authentication, database, storage, and scaling while you concentrate on user experience and building an amazing product.
Energize Your Development Flow with CLIs
ConFoo - December 5-7 - Vancouver, Canada - Abraham Williams & Pearl Latteier
Creating personalized CLIs can help you streamline recurring tasks, such as setting up new development environments, managing deployments, and wrangling data. We will walk you through building CLIs in Ruby to help you avoid costly mistakes and to ensure consistent results. Create simple commands that perform powerful tasks!