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Why Clojure?

<p>Clojure has been growing in popularity since its first major release in 2008. If you or your company is interested in understanding the value of Clojure at a high level, read on.</p> <p>Clojure might be the answer if:</p> <h3 id="your-existing-application-is-written-in-java">Your existing application is written...</h3>

"Technology is a black box to me."

<h1 id="stuff">Stuff</h1> <p>When we speak to prospective clients or when we explain what we do to people we meet, they often tell us that they don’t understand technology or software. We hear a range of comments from, “I don’t know that much about tech” to “I’m so software...</p>

Ruby? Rails? Ruby on Rails?

<blockquote> <p>This post is one in a series of blog posts that answer some of the most common questions we get from prospective and current clients. All of the posts in this series are under the <a href="" title="Questions tag">Questions tag</a> if you want to view more like this.</p> </blockquote> <p>As a consultancy...</p>

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