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Bendyworks Featured in WI Real Estate Blog
Check out these presentations by Bendyworkers coming to conferences near you.
Playoff Radio Spot
<p>Bendyworks origins in Madison, WI means that we are football fans. With Green Bay in the playoffs we were able to try out a new advertising medium.</p> <p>Take a listen to our ad below or listen to WIBA AM or FM during today’s game.</p>
The Isthmus: Bendyworks' Big Idea
<p>Madison’s Weekly Newspaper, Isthmus, <a href="">picked up a story</a> from local freelance journalist <a href="">Marc Eisen</a>. The story, one in a series on Madison’s Next Economy, focuses on Brad Grzesiak’s idea of creating a tech corridor on the East Side of Madison.</p> <p>Several...</p>
Craftsman Swap Podcast
<p>Bendyworkers <a href="">Devin</a> and <a href="">Chris</a> were recently interviewed on the <a href="">Relevance podcast</a>. They sat down to speak with <a href="">Craig Andera</a>, <a href="">Jared Pace</a>, and <a href="">Alan Dipert</a> of Relevance, on the topic of our recent <a href="">craftsman swap</a>.</p> <p>Back in March, Chris Wilson visited Durham...</p>
Local development team grows with new Bendyworks mentorship program
<p>The software industry faces a pressing issue: we just can’t find enough seasoned developers.</p> <p>Universities may produce excellent computer scientists, but recent grads are typically short on practical knowledge and experience.</p> <p>Regardless of pedigree...</p>