Posts tagged as:
Capacitor Plugin for Text Detection Part 2 : iOS Plugin
Create Capacitor Plugins for iOS and android to detect text in still images using CoreML for iOS and MLKit for android.
A month of Flutter: configure Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google on iOS
Configure Firebase Auth for Sign in With Google.
Using Linux C APIs in Swift: Glob
Learn how to wrap a Linux-based C API with Swift, featuring glob
Single Responsibility Principle & iOS
View Controllers in iOS: we need to talk. You are—without a shadow of a doubt—the worst offender of the Single Responsibility Principle, and that needs to stop.
Bwoken 2 Beta Released
<p>In response to a <a href="">great discussion</a> in the bwoken issues forum, I’m happy to announce the first beta of bwoken version 2! The major change, which justified the major version bump, is that bwoken is no longer invoked with <code>rake</code> but instead with <code>bwoken</code></p>
Our first iOS app
A native front-end to Travis CI