Posts tagged as:
Let Us Dismantle the Artifice of Standup
Language has power, and its usage is neither benign nor harmless. Ableist language, even when unintentional, can promote stigmatization and marginalization. Vocabulary, with a simple adjustment or replacment, can be modified to be more inclusive and accommodating while we also cultivate innovative ways to collaborate and communicate.
Bendyworks Featured on Madison Noteworthy
We were SO excited to be featured by madisonNoteworthy!
Towards Safe, Welcoming Conferences and Communities
<p>For a while now, Bendyworks has offered its employees an annual budget of $1,000 for attending conferences. Travel, lodging, tickets… if it relates to attending a conference, we’ve got our team covered. And if a Bendyworker is speaking at the conference...</p>
Sponsorship spotlight: Ashe Dryden and Diversity in Tech
Throughout the year, Bendyworks contributes to a number of community-based events - this year we’re also sponsoring individuals to support important work being done in the tech community.
RailsBridge: a Difference That Makes A Difference
<p>So, <a href="">there’s this conference in town this week</a>.</p> <p>It’s going to be damned good: attend if you can. One of the most remarkable parts of it is the <strong>RailsBridge Women’s Outreach Workshop</strong> being offered on Wednesday evening and during the day on Thursday....</p>
Giving back to the community
Some of the things we've been doing lately to give back.